Creating Portfolio Income With Ben Reynolds From Sure Dividend

Number 1. Sustainable profits is the best indicator of a great investment. Those people who can sit quietly for decades when they own a farm or apartment house too often become frenetic when they are exposed to a stream of stock quotations and accompanying commentators delivering an implied message of Don't just sit there, do something.” For these investors, liquidity is transformed from the unqualified benefit it should be to a curse.

BDCs invest growth capital into small and medium-sized businesses in exchange for equity position, much in the way that private equity funds and venture capital (VC) funds do. However, VC funds are typically only accessible to accredited investors who meet very high net worth or income requirements.

The simple ratio of current share price to earnings (PE ratio) compared to historical PEs and also compared to the PEs of other companies in the same field will provide a quick indication of whether a stock is priced appropriately, too high, or too low.

This is unusual in investing, but the experience has made them better investors because it helped turn them into quantitative analysts, influenced by numbers rather than stories.” In this way, the fund managers are less likely to follow the crowd or focus on the size of dividend payouts.

SEBI has mandated that Mutual Funds must disclose participation in company' annual or other affairs such as exercising voting rights in mergers, AGMs, changes to capital structure, appointment or removal of Directors, stock option plans and other management compensation issues and many more in their website and Annual Reports.

This happens because stock prices are determined by dividing the value of the company holding the stock by the number of shares. Dividend stocks are amazing stable businesses so their stock prices don't jump around as much. Either a dividend payment appears in a company's shareholders' brokerage accounts, or it doesn't.

One big proponent of this Dividend investing approach is an investor named Tom Connolly, who ran the Dividend Growth website and produced a popular newsletter for his subscribers. Starting with one of the primary benefits, the whole concept is that you do not buy individual stocks or bonds, but instead pool your money and buy shares of a fund that buys up many different stocks, bonds and other investments.

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